Rube Goldberg machine, slowing down; no, it’s winding up.
It’s fizzing.
Will Stanier is a poet and letterpress printer from Athens, Georgia. He currently lives in Tucson, where he graduated from the University of Arizona's MFA in Creative Writing. He is the author of two chapbooks: Everything Happens Next and The Lost Diaries and Other Poems (Osmanthus Press, 2021). His poems and reviews have appeared in Cleaver Magazine, Interim, The Volta, Pacifica, Heavy Feather Review, and Lazy Susan.
$10 - 4”x6” chapbook
18 poems, 2 color collages
Contact us for shipping if out of U.S.
Will Stanier
Everything Happens Next
Everything Happens Next is a brief record of notetaking and poem-making. Written over the course of a year in Tucson, Arizona, in EHN Will assembles a kind of scrapbook, mixing up big ideas with small preoccupations. A book to put in your pocket, a thing to travel and be revisited. Look over there, now look at this.
Most used words:
like-12 times, poem-11 times, all-8 times,
some-6 times, sun- 6 times, see-5 times, about-5 times,
thank-5 times, thinking-4 times, when-4 times.
“All very best” is used twice.