Philippians 3:19 Francesca Kritikos
Today, even the garments pinned on the balcony clothesline won’t move. Freed of their bodies, they don’t know what to do except hang in the heat.
In a dream you told me I was born of Orpheus, made to be followed.
I’ve heard that since I left you, you’ve lost so much weight you’re hardly recognizable.
My greediest lover, you still have my lace top, my money, my dirty underwear you said you didn’t want but never gave back.
I joined a secret forum full of beautiful women, who speak of a world lost to gluttony and ignorance.
Philippians 3:19: “Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.”
In Crete, I stopped for lunch at a taverna in the mountains, where an old man told me that no one is hungry anymore, but everyone has an appetite.
I like my bread dark and hard to bite into. I suck on black olives and smoke and wonder what kind of person tries to swat away flies.
I never got to tell you what I learned.
Love is a biological weapon God invented so that animals born in captivity, with no interest in anything but mirrors, can spread disease.
Francesca Kritikos is the editor-in-chief of SARKA, a journal and publisher focused on works of the flesh. Her books include SWEET BLOODY SALTY CLEAN (Feral Dove, 2023), In the Bed of Sickness (Pitymilk Press, 2023) and Exercise in Desire (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2022). Her writing has appeared in Hot Pink Mag, The Quarterless Review, Dream Boy Book Club, ITERANT, Hobart, Wonder, Spectra and elsewhere.